The Shoe Fits

We just got back from Paris Fashion Week and we had such a wonderful time! It was so much fun that it's hard to believe that fashion month is officially over. I felt so productive with the amount of work we got done in the last month—It's amazing how much you can do in one day! Every day was very exciting and I was so energized by everything we did that I'm a little sad that it's over. It's been such a priceless experience and I'm already looking forward to the next fashion month! Now before I talk too much about Paris, I just want to take you back to Milan where I got to put a contemporary twist on a timeless fairy tale. 

As you guys probably saw on my Instagram account, I was on the hunt for the perfect Cinderella dress and shoes while I was here for fashion week. I got to try on an exquisite pair of Jimmy Choo shoes designed specifically for the new Cinderella movie that is being released and I really felt like a princess. But for my own fairy tale I wanted to try a little something different and do my own interpretation of a classic story, with a modern upgrade.

The atmosphere was very romantic and the light that day was so beautiful, I couldn’t help but feel like I was walking through the pages of my own fairy tale. Talk about a dream! Instead of the quintessential glittering dress that Cinderella is known for wearing, I wanted to wear something that was a little more me, but equally royal. This form fitting light charcoal gray skirt creates a silhouette that made me feel really glamorous and I thought it fit the historic surroundings perfectly. I felt like Cinderella climbing the steps to get home before midnight, only I made sure my shoes were securely fastened. I think that pairing this skirt with cozy cream colored sweater added a little more charm and sophistication to create my modern day princess, don’t you think?

Since we are collaborating with Disney for the movie, I'm very excited that it involves you guys as well because we all get to be very creative! You can create and submit your very own fairy tale look, whether it’s a photo, a drawing or a video, how fun is that? It’s up to you! I’ve already submitted mine and I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with. Be creative! A Check out the link to submit your look and good luck! We’ve all got a little princess in us, never forget that.


I was wearing
Sandro Biker Jacket - similar
Fluffy Sweater - similar
Tony Cohen Long Skirt - similar
Prada Heels


The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits
The Shoe Fits

Photos by Annick Meijer